HNA OPEN SHOOT - Sunday 8th October

HNA Master Hunter Shoot - October 10th Results

HNA Invitational Longbow shoot Sunday 4th July 2021.

HNA held its first shoot at its new ground after moving location over three years ago, how time flies.

We all know how difficult it is to find suitable woodland in our area (and with a supportive land lord) as well as being able to offer year-round club shooting.

We decided to organise a test event, while following current guidelines, by limiting the shooting style to Longbow and to 20 archers.

It’s been a long time since HNA has held any open shoots and we wanted people to know HNA are very much still here!

The weather on the day could have been better, however on the other hand it could have been a lot worse and a big thank you to the 20 archers who turned up and supported this event and proved they were no fair-weather archers.

The course was a 2 X 21 with some very imaginative target’s set out by our course maestro Scott. Good use was made of our wood’s features using our two ponds to good effect, one shooting at two fighting animals and the other at a crocodile slipping into the water, with some of the arrows...

The course consisted mainly of 3D’s however we did use our two favourite 2D targets the standing bear and ‘head on’ elephant, I’m sure many of you can remember these from past HNA weekend shoots, and they still look as impressive, and still catch archers out!

The tiger at the end of the course was popular and looked so realistic in the long grass, or as realistic as a tiger can be in Essex. The wild cat hugging the tree proved to be a challenging, backstops definitely required, Scott also set up a herd shot of four boars and a single arrow at each.

On the strength of this shoot and all the very kind and enthusiastic comments from those taking part, HNA are considering opening up our next shoot to 40 archers using only wooden arrows, this will depend on future NFAS and Government guidelines. 

A big thank you to Scott our course layer and to the HNA committee and membership for all their support and hard work in organising the event, big thanks to all the marshals on the day who had special mention of being helpful and friendly on Facebook posts.

Good shooting and continue to say safe.


Ladies Longbow

  1. A. Sutton 374

  2. C. Peeling 326

  3. K. Gosling 308

  4. R. Jackson  154

Gents longbow

  1. R. Wareham 720

  2. I. Jephcott 674

  3. P. Chittenden 658

  4. I. Stanley 656

  5. K. Sharp 618

  6. M. Sutton 602

  7. K. Button 596

  8. R. Jackson 576

  9. F. Nardo 526

  10. P. Bromwich 518

  11. Terry 500

  12. S. Gosling 436

  13. G. Bourne 416

  14. D. Searle 392

  15. Charlie 356